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グローウェルジャパン株式会社 トップ画像

Safely delivering

Japanese-grown produce

to the world.

Our company logo is designed with the three primary colors of light,

which represent the three essential components for growth:

producers, consumers, and social contribution.


Your Smile

Makes People Smiles!


GROW WELL JAPAN is a team of professionals with a top market share in fruit and vegetable trading in numerous countries.


Delivering the Seasons of Japan to the world.


We are devoted to making our products globally recognized.

Our Business

With our international logistics skills, built on many years of experience, we work to deliver Japanese values to the world.

We deliver the value of Japan to the world by making use of our experienced international logistics skills.


Delivering the delicious tastes of Japan to the world.

What We Do

Farms are our treasure box.

Working with producers, we aspire to cultivate farms that can give amazing products to the world.

Farms are our treasure box.

Working with producers, we aspire to cultivate farms that can give amazing products to the world.

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